Informed Consent
(Please read to sign at appointment)
The operations at this location:
Services include the medical skills that involve the practice observing and palpation of the skin. The treatments are superficial and noninvasive. The treatments are done only with gentle soft hand touch. There are no deep tissue treatments offered. The treatments are not meant to do harm, cause pain or discomfort, but are meant to promote relaxation to help improve physical health and well-being. The treatments do not include deep tissue treatment with the use elbows, knees, feet, needles or balls. This location does not offer massage therapy, physical therapy or behavior therapy. It does not offer cosmetic surgery, body work enhancement procedures, surgical removal of tissue, injury repair, antiaging procedures or pain management. There are no pharmaceutical medicines on site. If further treatments are needed beyond the scope of care within this location, as a primary care board certified physician, Dr. Organ is licensed to recognize urgent concerns and make recommendations or referral to the appropriate therapist or specialist as needed.
I have read the above information. I fully understand and agree to services on these terms. It is my choice to receive Touch treatments. I am aware of the benefits and risks of the treatments and give my consent. I understand that there is no implied or stated guarantee of success of effectiveness of individual techniques or series of appointments. I acknowledge that touch treatment is not a substitute for medical care, medical examination, or diagnosis. I have stated all medical conditions that I am aware of and will inform my practitioner of any changes in my health status. I understand that my personal health information will be collected. I understand that all information that I provide will be kept confidential unless required by law. I understand and consent that my medical information may be shared by the various care providers involved in my care and treatment.
Name (Print)____________________________________________
SEMAGLUTIDE CONSENT: I hereby authorize and direct Dr. Mirian Boyd Organ a Board Certified Physician to prescribe Semaglutide subcutaneous injection to me. Semaglutide is FDA approved overweight and obese individuals struggling to lose weight. I understand that this procedure is effective at reducing appetite and energy intake while delaying gastric emptying. Semaglutide is a Glucagonlike peptide-1 (GLP-1) produced by the gut. It increases insulin production, a hormone that lowers the blood sugar level while inhibiting glucagon secretion, which is a hormone that raises blood sugar. For this reason, weight loss from any one treatment is unlikely, and I understand that I will require several treatments to obtain a significant, long-term reduction in BMI and abdominal circumference. I also understand that the results of this treatment vary with each individual. I do not have a history of Medullary Thyroid Cancer, Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Active Eating Disorder (anorexia, bulimia, etc.)or am currently pregnant or planning to become pregnant within the next year. I understand that I must inform the provider about changes in my medical condition, medication that I am taking and any diabetes, appetite stimulants, phentermine, kidney issues, heartburn, nausea, constipation, dehydration, peptides, human growth factor or insulin like growth factor. I acknowledge that the following points have been discussed with me: The potential benefits of the proposed procedure. The possible alternative procedures. The probability of success. Weight loss is not a guarantee with every patient. The reasonably anticipated consequences if the procedure is not performed. The possible complications/risks involved with the proposed procedures and subsequent healing. period, including, but not limited to: bruising, bleeding, infection or pain at injection site. The possible side effects include but are not limited to: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, hypoglycemia, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, increased lipase, flatulence, and gerd. Health Concerns If you suffer from a medical or pathological condition, you need to consult with an appropriate healthcare provider such as your primary doctor or endocrinologist or cardiologist. If you are under the care of another healthcare provider, it is important that you inform your other healthcare providers of your use of Semaglutide. Diabetes patients are recommended to seek treatment from a primary care doctor or endocrinologist. Dr. Organ does not treat or manage diabetic patients. Post-treatment instructions: I understand that it is difficult to list every undesirable effect that may result from this procedure however, I acknowledge that I am aware of the following possible risks/experiences involved with Semaglutide injection I have been informed that I need to: Drink 3 liters of water daily. Eat breakfast and lunch Skip dinner Avoid spicy food. Kidney injury due to dehydration from reduced appetite is possible due to lack of water intake. Gastrointestinal Side effectsNausea and indigestion are common in the first week of treatment. If vomiting develops then Zofran can be prescribed. Eating after sunset elevates heartburn. OTC medications for heartburn are Tums and omeprazole. Drink 3 liters of water daily and exercise three times a week to prevent constipation. Discomfort – Some discomfort, pain and/or bruising may be experienced at the injection site. Pregnancy - I deny the possibility of being pregnant at this time. I understand that the safety of the use of semaglutide during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied. If I am unsure of pregnancy, I will request a pregnancy test prior to my treatment. BY By Clicking the policy button, I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE DULY READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS CONSENT/PERMISSION FORM FOR SEMAGLUTIDE INJECTION USE AND THAT THE DISCLOSURES REFERRED TO HEREIN WERE MADE TO ME. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE BEEN COUNSELED IN PRE/ POST TREATMENT INSTRUCTIONS AND HAVE BEEN GIVEN WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS, I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO ASK QUESTIONS AND THEY HAVE BEEN ANSWERED. I HEREBY FREELY CONSENT TO SEMAGLUTIDE TREATMENTS. BY MY SIGNATURE BELOW, I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS CONSENT/PERMISSION FORM FOR SEMAGLUTIDE AND THAT THE DISCLOSURES REFERRED TO HEREIN WERE MADE TO ME. I AGREE THAT THIS FORM SUPERSEDES ANY PREVIOUS VERBAL OR WRITTEN DISCLOSURE.
Menstrual and Medical History
(Please review we will fill out and sign at appointment)
Dr. Mirian Boyd Organ’s Women’s Day Spa
History form
Name _________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
City ______________________________________State __________
Zip _____________________________ Phone____________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________
Menstrual History (Complete as much as you can even if you are menopausal)
Age ______________ Preg___ Live biriths____ LMP_____________
Age periods started_______________ Breastfeeding history: yes or no
If your menstrual periods are regular ____________, How many days apart_____
If your menstrual periods are irregular__________, How many times a month___
How heavy is your bleeding, ____mild _____moderate______heavy (clots)
Which symptoms are associated with your periods, (before, during or after)
___anger ____depression ____loss of interest
___anxiety ____headaches ____self-depreciating thoughts
____clotting _____hot flashes ___Sensitive to rejection
____cramping ____heart palpitations ___difficulty concentrating
____cravings _____irritability ___leg swelling
____crying ____insomnia ____Binge eating
____bloating ____Fatigue or exhaustion ____Brain fog
____bowel changes ____mood swings ____Rage
____Breast tenderness ___less productive _____Panic attacks
___Back ache ____Nause/vomiting _ ___Family is concerned _____acne
____Overthinking ____ Overtalking _____more sensitive
Gynecological/ obstetric surgery:
Ovaries: yes ______ no________
Uterus: yes _____ No________
Fallopian tubes: yes_______ No_______
Cesarean Section: yes______ No_______
Abdominal surgery: yes______ No______
Breast Surgery: yes_______ No_______
Hospitalizations in the last 5 years___________________________________
Allergies________________ Occupation______________________________
Heart Dx _____ Diabetes ________ High Blood Pressure____ Strokes _____
Cancer(type)_______ Neuropathy______ Kidney Dx_______
Gastrointestinal Dx_______ Arthritis______ Anemia______
Musculoskeletal ______Seizures______ Asthma_______Thyroid DX_______
HIV/Aids_______Smoking______Alcohol_______Illicit Drugs_________
Obesity_______, Eating Disorder_______ Mental Health_________
Depression and Anxiety________ Family loss_______
Financial loss_______ other____________________________
Do you take your regular prescribed medicines? Yes_______ No______
Last Primary Care Physician visit________________
Signature____________________________________ Date_______________